Catholic Life

Catholic Life

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“I am the vine, you are the branches. Whoever remains in me, with me in him, bears fruit in plenty.” John, 15:5 (New Jerusalem)

We strive to promote an understanding that a fullness of life and a positive sense of self and one’s wellbeing, is informed and achieved by placing Jesus’ teaching, his model for living and a sense of our own place in a wider community, at the very centre of our lives, our aspirations, choices and relationships.

Inspired by the values of Faith, Hope and Love, we aim as a Catholic Community to provide a collaborative system support which supports and nurtures the needs, uniqueness and dignity of all, allowing every member of our community to develop personally, academically, socially and spiritually. This Christ centered approach informs our behavioural policies, procedures, expectations, and personal conduct, enabling and empowering our young people to flourish by showing that justice, peace and human freedom are borne out of love, accountability, compassion and reconciliation.

Inspired by Jesus’ proclamation of the Kingdom of God, the school community aims to be an active presence in our local parishes, community organisations, national and international organisations and to bear fruit for the common good. 

With Jesus as our teacher and guide, in our learning and teaching we strive to grow, to develop, to achieve, to excel and to celebrate success.  Inspired by Jesus’ offer of an abundant life (Jn 10:10) we seek to offer a wide variety of enrichment opportunities and educational visits for personal, cultural and spiritual development. 

The Catholic life of the school seeks to permeate all areas of school life, from lessons in class, to interaction in communal areas, to involvement in extra-curricular activities. The pupils are encouraged to live out the principles of Catholic Social Teaching in all that they do. The curriculum and enrichment provision at St Bede’s provide opportunities for spiritual, moral, social and cultural development in a variety of ways.

The guiding principles of our Catholic shared vision of life:

  • That we are all made in the image and likeness of God;
  • That the ultimate role model for being a full human being is the person of Jesus Christ.

Enabled by the Holy Spirit, we strive to make these principles a lived reality.

  • Through prayer and worship, assemblies, daily school routines, curriculum and policies we will reflect the values of the Gospels and the principles Catholic Social Teaching.
  • Our relationships will be guided by the Gospel values as described by Jesus in the Beatitudes: Faithfulness, Integrity, Dignity, Compassion, Humility, Gentleness, Truth, Justice, Forgiveness, Mercy, Purity, Holiness, Tolerance, Peace, Service, Sacrifice. (Matthew 5:1-12)
  • As a school community we are active in taking responsibility for others, those in our community and those in need around us locally, nationally and internationally.
  • We will nurture the growth of each pupil in our care through the artistic, academic, creative, practical, social, moral, physical and spiritual aspects of school life.
  • We will be a place of welcome by demonstrating God’s love to all who come into our school community. We will achieve this through working with all people of goodwill, particularly parents, families and the Church.
  • We will reflect the beauty of God’s creation through aspiring to excellence in all we do.


St Bede’s Catholic High School,

St Anne’s Road


L39 4TA

Telephone: 01695 570335
